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Simple Roasted Salmon

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Simple Roasted Salmon



1 lemon, thinly sliced

1 lemon, zested and juiced

2 tbsp olive oil

1/4 tsp La Baleine Course Sea Salt

1/4 tsp ground black pepper

2 cloves garlic, finely minced



Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic, then set aside.

Place salmon in the center of an If You Care Medium Non-Stick Parchment Roasting Bag, seam side up on a baking sheet.

Drizzle lemon and olive oil mixture over salmon, then place lemon slices on top of the salmon. Seal the bag by folding the open end upward as many times as possible, then roast for 20 minutes.

Serve and enjoy!


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